Voltsense Product to Debut at Tallinn “Meremess”

Voltsense Product to Debut at Tallinn “Meremess”

Boat owners and enthusiasts in Tallinn, mark your calendars! The much-anticipated Voltsense product will make its debut at the city’s biggest boat and sea related event, the “Meremess,” from March 10-12. This state-of-the-art monitoring system is designed to keep your boat in top condition while it is stored on land.

The Voltsense system includes boat units and a central gateway for transmitting and receiving data. The boat unit is equipped with two voltage sensors for the starter and marine batteries, as well as a temperature and humidity sensor. It operates autonomously with a long-life battery that also provides voltage information.

All data is transmitted over RF to the central gateway, which is connected to the internet via wireless or LTE connection. Customers can access a dashboard to view all the information transmitted from the boat unit, set alarm thresholds, and receive notifications when voltage levels are low or temperatures are critical. This system provides valuable insights into the state of the boat’s electrical system and environmental conditions, allowing for proactive maintenance and improved safety.

We are excited to announce that the first Voltsense products have been installed and final testing is currently taking place. Pricing information will be available soon. Don’t miss out on the chance to see this innovative product in action at the “Meremess” event. We look forward to seeing you there!

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