Introducing VoltSense Pro and VoltSense P1: Smart Boat Monitoring Solutions

Introducing VoltSense Pro and VoltSense P1: Smart Boat Monitoring Solutions

If you’re a boat owner, you know that keeping track of your boat’s battery levels and environmental conditions can be a daunting task. With VoltSense Pro and VoltSense P1, we aim to make boat monitoring simpler and more efficient.

VoltSense Pro is designed for marinas and boat storage facilities. It is a central monitoring system that collects data from autonomous sensors on boats. The sensors measure voltage, temperature, humidity, and other variables and transmit the data wirelessly to the central hub. The data is then relayed to our online portal, where users can monitor their boats’ conditions in real-time. The system also sends email or SMS notifications when pre-set thresholds are exceeded. Historical data is stored on the sensors, so boat owners can access it even when their boats are at sea. VoltSense Pro is powered by a 3.3V battery and is easy to install.

VoltSense P1, on the other hand, is designed for individual boat owners. The system is installed on the boat and draws power from the boat’s battery. It has the same functionalities as VoltSense Pro, but it sends data directly to the online portal, regardless of the boat’s location. Boat owners can monitor their boats’ conditions and locations and set custom alerts for various variables. Additionally, VoltSense P1 allows storage facility managers to access their clients’ battery data during the off-season, reducing maintenance costs and surprises.

Battery and environmental monitoring are essential for boat owners. By monitoring battery levels, boat owners can avoid unexpected downtime, reduce the risk of damage to expensive electrical systems, and extend the lifespan of their batteries. Monitoring environmental conditions, such as temperature and humidity, can prevent mold and mildew growth, which can damage the boat’s interior and electronics. With VoltSense Pro and VoltSense P1, boat owners can have peace of mind knowing that they can monitor their boats’ conditions 24/7, no matter where they are.

We understand that the maritime industry is diverse, and that’s why we offer two different solutions that cater to different needs. VoltSense Pro is currently being piloted in Premium Boats, while VoltSense P1’s prototype will be ready at the end of March.

Stay tuned for our next article, where we’ll reveal pricing details for VoltSense Pro and VoltSense P1.

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