Voltsense Overview

Voltsense is developed mainly for companies who typically provide services such as winterization and storing the boat in a secure location. Other services may include battery maintenance, hull cleaning, and other routine maintenance tasks to ensure the boat is in top condition when the boating season resumes.

Also we have solution for personal boat owners.

We build our own hardware and components and whole solution is custom made, using only best engineering practices.


SolutionStarter kitMonthly feeAdditional sensorsAdditional gateway
VoltSense PRO150EUR, includes: One gateway Five sensors (voltage, temperature, and humidity)€70/month€8/month€75
VoltSense P190EUR, includes: Private gateway device with sensors (voltage, temperature, and humidity)€8/month€8/month

*Prices are without VAT!

Voltsense solution consists of following components.

Gateway device:

The Voltsense gateway is a central device that receives and transmits data between the boat units and the customer’s dashboard. It is connected to the internet via a wireless or LTE connection, allowing customers to access real-time data about their boat’s health and receive notifications if any issues arise.

The gateway communicates with the boat units over RF (Radio Frequency) signals. Each boat unit is equipped with two voltage sensors for the starter and one for marine batteries, as well as a temperature and humidity sensor. The boat unit collects data from these sensors and transmits it wirelessly to the gateway. The gateway then forwards this data to the customer’s dashboard, where it can be viewed and analyzed.

The customer can set alarm thresholds for the voltage levels and temperature, and the gateway will send notifications to the customer’s dashboard if any of these thresholds are exceeded. This allows the customer to take proactive measures to address any issues before they become more serious.

Overall, the Voltsense gateway plays a critical role in the operation of the monitoring system, ensuring that data is transmitted accurately and efficiently between the boat units and the customer’s dashboard.

Sensor node:

The Voltsense sensor nodes are small, battery-powered devices that are installed on boats to collect data about the boat’s electrical system and environmental conditions. Each sensor node is equipped with two voltage sensors, one for the starter battery and another for the marine battery, as well as a temperature and humidity sensor. The device operates autonomously with an integrated long-life battery that also provides voltage information.

The sensor nodes use RF (Radio Frequency) signals to communicate with the Voltsense gateway. They transmit data wirelessly to the gateway, which is connected to the internet via wireless or LTE connection. The gateway then forwards this data to the customer’s dashboard, where it can be viewed and analyzed.

Customers can set alarm thresholds for the voltage levels and temperature, and the system will send notifications to the customer’s dashboard if any of these thresholds are exceeded. This allows the customer to take proactive measures to address any issues before they become more serious.

The Voltsense sensor nodes are designed to be low-maintenance and long-lasting, making them ideal for use in marine environments. They are easy to install and can be configured to meet the specific needs of each boat. Overall, the Voltsense sensor nodes play a critical role in providing valuable insights into the state of the boat’s electrical system and environmental conditions, allowing for proactive maintenance and improved safety.

Monitoring Portal:

The Voltsense monitoring portal is a user-friendly web application that provides boat owners with real-time data on the health of their boat’s electrical system and environmental conditions. The platform is built on the ThingsBoard IoT platform, which is an open-source, scalable, and customizable platform for building IoT applications.

The monitoring portal can be accessed from any device with internet access, including smartphones, tablets, and laptops. It displays data from the Voltsense gateway and sensor nodes in an intuitive, easy-to-read format. Customers can view a variety of data points, including voltage levels, temperature, humidity, and more.

The monitoring portal also allows customers to set custom alarm thresholds for each data point. If a threshold is exceeded, the system sends an alert to the customer’s dashboard, enabling them to take immediate action to address the issue.

In addition to real-time monitoring, the portal also provides historical data, allowing customers to track changes in their boat’s electrical system and environmental conditions over time. This data can be used to identify trends and potential issues before they become more serious.

Overall, the Voltsense monitoring portal is a powerful tool that enables boat owners to proactively monitor and maintain their boats’ electrical systems and environmental conditions, ensuring a safe and enjoyable boating experience.


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